The dvmail suite allows multivalue database users to create and email documents directly from the Universe/multivalue database in PDF format. Additionally the software caters for attachments for mass mailing as well as emailing of csv, text etc files which have been created by the Universe applications.Multiple page documents eg invoices and statements are handled by the software.

Icons , logos , footers etc can be included in the printing.


The dvspool suite allows multivalue database users to create and print documents directly from the Universe/multivalue database in PDF format. Additionally the software caters for attachments for mass mailing as well as emailing of csv, text etc files which have been created by the Universe applications.Multiple page documents eg invoices and statements are handled by the software.

Dvspool also allows the population of Xls/xlsx spreadsheets


The dvterm suite allows multivalue database users to enhance their green screen interfaces. Enables use of pull down menus and predictive text.

Dvspool also allows the population of Xls/xlsx spreadsheets

Please contact us for more information on these products